Creating an inheritance
Berlin — Warsaw — Prague
Each year we invite you and our church community to contribute to “Heart for the House”. Over the years, this Miracle Offering has provided an opportunity and a challenge for all of us to look to and trust our heavenly father to provide provision for the vision. This decision to sow into God’s House has enabled our faith to grow and our capacity to increase. There have been so many incredible God stories that have come from people expressing generosity and a deep desire to create an inheritance for our present and future generations.
This “Heart for the House” offering strengthens us to advance and is different from our regular giving of tithes and offerings which help our day-to-day operations. There is also an opportunity for you and our community to step up to be a Kingdom Builder.
Be encouraged to take up this challenge and pray about how you can personally be involved in this year’s “Heart for the House” as we continue to rebuild and move toward our God-given future.
I told them how the hand of my God had brought good to me, and the words that the King had spoken to me. Then they said, “LET US GET UP AND REBUILD.” So they put their hands to the good work.
Nehemiah 2:18 (NLV)
Helps us to operate
Helps us to advance
Helps us to get established
Everyone can bring a gift for “Heart for the House” during the month of October. Pray and ask God how you can be involved, any amount given in faith will be significant.
Let’s prepare our hearts with prayer and excitement as we consider what to sow into this year’s “Heart for the House” offering.
“Kingdom Builders” are people who believe they are called to resource the work of Jesus and His church, they bring a “Heart for the House” gift in the month of October and commit to giving an extra gift for the year ahead.
“Kingdom Builders” starts from €1,600 and any amount above, to be fulfilled by the 30th September 2025, enabling us to rebuild and move towards our God given future.
Download the Hillsong Giving App and select Berlin. Make sure to choose “Heart for the House” and/or “Kingdom Builder” from the drop down options.
Giving via EC card, Sofort-Payment & Paypal, choose “My Heart for the House Gift” and/or “Kingdom Builder” from the drop down options.
Give here →
Please use the “Heart for the House” envelope & drop off points provided at the venue.
Please use the following details:
Hillsong Berlin e.V.
IBAN: DE07120400000623459500
Purpose of donation:
“My Heart for the House Gift” or “Kingdom Builder"
Creating an inheritance